Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dinner and Lunch

These two images are known as Dinner and Lunch.
Dinner is an offshoot of another mandala based image. When I finished the first image, I thought about having a ring of chevrons chasing each other. After several tries at drawing this, it came together, and the details started to work themselves out.
About this time, there was another image I was working on during my lunch hour. It involved using the round interlocking tiles, but with a second box inside the first box. The second box would have its flat side on the inside of the box, instead of the outside as I had been doing. It took a while to get this to work, which was fine. This was something to play with at lunch, and the more time it ate up the better. Finally, this image started to work, and one day I added some lines to form random shapes around the boxes. This image was appealing, and I decided to email it home and develop it. This image would be known as Lunch, because of where it came. The other image became known as dinner, because it was not breakfast.
I decide to produce these two images at the same time. This took a few weeks, but one day it was done.
Both are 13”x17”, and should be viewed while lit from behind.


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